things that happen to this smo...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

sam wong(s)?

be real...

sam wong children ministry
- kind, fun, crazy, patient, can get angry, immature, winged most of the time
sam wong worship
- sometimes prideful, leader, can be more prepared
sam wong infront of adults
- mature, polite, patient, kind, respectful
sam wong with the guys
- course joking, immature, crazy, idiotic, psycho sometimes, no shame
sam wong by himself
- no self-control, curious, many many other things...
sam wong with parents
- impatient, mean (sometimes), disobedient

how can one person be so different?

i know there is a time for everything but to be a man of God, with integrity, should i not be the same person everywhere? can i gossip about a person in one situation and be their best friend the next? can i be nice to aunties and uncles and go home arguing with my parents? can i teach kids to be nice and share and not be angry but go on the road with road rage?

who am i? am i real?

Monday, May 15, 2006

jer 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

thanks anna for the great sharing...

i trust...

i'm sorry...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

just tell me...

so many times i'm left in the dark... with school, life, relationships, friends, jobs, i just want to know... why do i have to wait? if the answer is known how come you don't tell me?

i know i shouldn't question and that i should wait.. but it's not easy... plz God... show me why... plz...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


as i finished my last exam last nite... i was just glad it was over with... marks and stuff aside i really don't know how i did.. but it's out of my hands now... i did my best and i trust :P

as summer begins.. few goals i want to set...

1. read half of the books i bought from last urbana (2003) before this years urbana
2. read bible / devos more consistently
3. be the best gov for lions as i can be
4. hold wickedly sickening (in a good way) BBQs
5. play as much WCIII before i put the CDs away again
6. love the kids at church
7. finish Need For Speed

i'm sure there's more but hey... i can only make so many goals.. the hard part is trying to finish these goals... time to start a book :D

*reading : "too busy not to pray"
*going to : play softball later today
*time : to publish post

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


... hours to go
... chapters to review

almost there... almost there...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


that's my time for CN tower...

i think i could have done better... it was quite the inspiring though... started off way too fast and i was pretty much ready to quit by the 40th's floor (142 in total i think) but you can't quit... there's no where to go

i guess that's how life is a lot of times... you think you can do something then realize that it's not as easy but you gotta go on... so what do you do? i prayed... the rest of the 100 floors up... asking God to help me... and He did...

i couldn't have done it myself...all God