things that happen to this smo...

Saturday, January 29, 2005

found friend...

while i was at mitchell's yesterday evening picking up hazel from work.. i bumped into a friend of mine which i haven't seen for year... like 3 years...

this is a friend i've known from grade 3 and grew up with till grade 8 until an incident happened which just tore our friendship and that sucked.

i use to hold these gatherings back at my place back in grade 7 to around grade 10 where it was just chill time at my house, wiht dinner and what not and my pastor gave them a small devotion, my friend, Shaun, came out too and he enjoyed it.

after the incident, we didn't talk too much, cuz it was hard, we both started drifting away from each other and eventually lost contact eventhough he on hte next street...

newayz, bumping into him and talking to him, he told me that he believed 9 months ago and he's a strong believer rite now... man, GOD IS GOOD!!! he was so on fire for God and just passion to change and stir things up around our area which was somehting i'm desperately askign for...

the graduating class of 1998 at Port Royal was a interesting class, we had whole lot of mix of diff. people.. and they have all been planted with the seed... but i'm praying hard now that Shaun and I through prayer and everything can talk and see if we can hold a reunion with as many of them as possible to really share our beliefs in Christ Jesus.

i'm hoping i can post up his testimony here when i get it from him... just gotta ask for his permissions...

that's it... God answers prayers, but there's still so much more to pray for in my community...

absolute HOLINESS!!! - whoa...

well, so much to write..

and i still gotta type up the rest of the BCOQ stuff... so much for that too, but i shoudl write htis before i forget :)

alrite... so yesterday, EZEKIAL! wow...

so the day before was about God preparing rooms for us in heaven and how much he loves us but check this out, chap43

(this is after God's glory enters the temple, the temple of PERFECT DIMENSIONS)
v10 - "Son of man, describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you. Tell them its appearance and its plan so they will be ashamed of all their sins. And if they are ashamed fo waht the have done, describe to them all the specifications of its concstruction ... v12 "and this is the basic law of the Temple : absolute HOLINESS! The entire top of the hill where the Temple is built is holy. Yes, this is the primary law of the Temple"


and this passage came to mind...

1 Corintians 6:19
Do you not know that your BODY is a TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

mad conviction from God, if our body is the templ that God dwells in, he asks us to see our sins, our imperfectness before him but not just to see the "wrong dimensions" but to reconstruct out selves....

and what does God call us to be? our body? "the basic law of the Temple : absolute HOLINESS!"

our body must be absolutely HOLY!!!! its' God's basic law, before anything, that's what our body has to be HOLY!
alrite.. well mad conviction there by God, cuz i knwo my body hasnt' been very welcoming to God lately because it hasn't been holy but praying hard that all i do is strive to have my body HOLY!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

- friday jan 21 - (part 1)

so most of the worship team slept over and diana's place last nite, really really nice house, it's like a hotel, pretty cool...

stayed up all night, kinda aroudn 4am, watched "fighting temptations" (cuba gooding, beyonce), that was a good movie... had bad acting and kinda bad story line but the singing? amazing... gospel.. WOW!!!

newayz... woke up at round 7:30am getting ready to leave TO by like 8am.. didn't happen, left at aroudn 9am but still had more then enough time to get to muskoka woods.. took around 2 and a half hours...

the car ride was good.. well van ride.. vocals in one van, instrumentalists in another... i dotn' know wha thte instrumentalists did but the vocals... pretty fun... felt like we were rock stars kinda...

so the drivers, tim and tim (tang and chan respectively) were the ones that drove us up, in the vocals van, all we had was like this pitch device on tim's palm to get a note and we practiced sinigng and harmonizing.. pretty cool... but it was still early so sounded pretty bad... newayz, that was all the whoel way up.. took a few breaks to watch "Shawshank Redemption", that's a good movie too... but didnt' get to finsih it... it's ok...

we got to muskoka woods at around 11:30 - 12pm, it was nice place.. beautiful scenery.. nto too cold actually, not as winding as TO, but temperature wise it was cold

newayz... found out where they were holding the sessiosn and we brought all our instruments into the "gym" and WOW!!! they were buildling the stage.. literally... BUILDING IT!! was just a few blocks or lik a riser.. but a REAL stage... cutting up the backdrop, spray painting it.. the fumes got to me though.. and jsut everything... it was like being backstage before a concert...

now.. that kinda scared me... i think i felt there was a lot of expectation from the BCOQ organizers that we couldnt' match.. just the band and the concert style was too much... i coudlnt' help it.. it hink i was stressed too because the songs that we have practiced were nice songs but really new to me and i wasnt' ready yet....

praise God that my team helped me through that.. :)

hwo bout i stop for nwo and blog mroe later.. can get pretty long... bfast time....

- ezekial -

so i was reading a chapter from the book of ezekial this mroning.. and man... did it not make any sense until i thought about it more...

the chapter i was reading was entitled "rooms for the Priests" - chap 42. It wasn't long but i couldn't understand why it is in the bible... well who am i to question wat goes in or not but the whole chapter was about a room, and its dimensions and how big it is and what not. The doors, the walls, everything. it was very repetitive and kinda boring... but as i thought aobut it more, i got a different perspective on it....

we are called to be priests, priests of God.. to do his work and to listen to his calling and show and reveal to other people... now, as i read this chapter, i can't be more amazed at how much God cares for us. look how much time he put into preparing our room in heaven? every single dimension must be perfect. there cannot be any errors.

i think it's jsut the thought that God cares is good enough... that there is a room in heaven waiting for us that God himself built carefully... now that's a loving king.

newayz... it's 9 am rite now... tired... but it's ok... glad i'm not just sleeping in anymore... still gotta blog abotu avalanche.. maybe i'll do some of it now.. or rite after this.. jsut the first nite... before i forget everything....


first off.. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

alan and albert, sorry.. i did blog... no treating next wedneday WINGS!!!! nice... seriously boys... these wednesday dinners are GREAT!!! dont' like rushing some of htem though.. due to exams.. HAHAHHA!!! u the man alan... and the pizza still isnt' settling too well...


tried anchoives on pizza today, for the first time, thx to alan, wasn't bad.. but the salami killed it... wasn't the best topping at Cora's... next time "tomatoes, mushroom, anchoives" - soudns pretty good though.. mad salty :)

today was CRAZY!!!

so i had 2 quizzes and an assignment due today... and guess how much of it i had done when i woke up this mroning? like NOTHING!!!

so i thought wake up early and finish it... well... turns out it snowed last ntie... so had to shovel the driveway... took like 20mins.. too cold... i need like super warm socks... my feet were frozen... newayz... i was lucky enough to get a ride off my neighbour this morning.. so Praise God for that... but the RT took forever.. dont' knwo if it was the weather but still pretty bad...

so all the waiting for transit and what not i ran through all my human bio notes... not too bad.. the quiz that is.. cuz it's still basic... glad i read it over though.. helped a lot.. but need to study more.. so one quiz done...

had a 3 hr. break til bio lab where i had a small assignment due... finished that but didn't have a place to print it.. so... good ol albert lent me his comp and printer.. and that was done. had a quiz in lab too..b ut it was at the end of the lab so i studied during the lab.. sooo glad i got that done and over with...

note to self : plan out weeks...

well i have TONZ to say about BCOQ retreat this past weekend which i will spend time to just sit and write it out... prepping for this friday's bible study rite now so not gonna do it....

also.. wanna share bout next weekend.. heading up to waterloo... OAT time... man i'm pretty not ready..b ut leaving it up to God.. well i'm studying.. but mad prayers needed....

thx UT boys from ET for wednesdays... i look forward to them... they're great :) you guys rock.. hahahahhahaha....

and thx albert for encouraging me to blog.. ti is fun...

it hink that's it... i will write up on BCOQ stuff and OAT... but this is it for now.. back to prepping.. PEACE OUT!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!